Intelligent Crosswalk

The ConnVAS intelligent crosswalk solution enables turning any crosswalk, existing and new, to an intelligent crosswalk.

The following figure describes the technology composing the solution:

In the heart of the solution is the ConnVAS Edge Computing Platform (CECP) that includes processing capabilities, AI processing, V2X transceiver and interfaces with cameras and alarm systems towards crosswalk users (pedestrians, bicycle riders, scooters etc.) and towards drivers in the different types of vehicles. The CECP receives data from the cameras and using ConnVAS SW and AI capabilities, detects the different objects and their locations and analyzes the dangers in any given moment in real time (10s of ms). Upon detection of potential danger by the CECP, it initiates alarms towards the crosswalk users intending to cross the crosswalk, as well as towards the road users. The alarm towards the road users is a visual alarm using dedicated lights located in a point that can be easily viewed by the drivers, indicating to the drivers that a crosswalk user is intending to cross the road. The alarm towards the crosswalk users consists of a visual alarm in addition to a vocal alarm, both generated by a dedicated ticker device that is present on the sidewalk adjacent to the crosswalk.

The system that also saves video records of the data presented by the cameras, will support the generating of short videos documenting traffic felonies of drivers on the crosswalk, according to the specific privacy rules and any other rules in each specific location.

The system will provide traffic counting information upon request. This will include pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, any type of vehicle etc.

In signalized crosswalks, the system will detect the crosswalk users intending to cross the road and will automatically generate a demand towards the signal controller to provide the crosswalk users with green upon their turn. This leads to better efficiency for road traffic (road traffic will receive continues green as long as no crosswalk user is present) and better experience for crosswalk users (no need to press a dedicated button to receive green).

All of the above-mentioned alarms will also be sent by the CECP over V2X to the environment so V2X connected vehicles, as well as 5G mobile phone users (that will include V2X capabilities) will be able to receive these alarms, and additional future data, in real time.

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